With Zen Master Bon Hae (Judy Roitman)
Description: The Tang dynasty took 150 years to die. In this time there were wars, rebellions, bandits, pirates, warlords, floods, starvation, and severe persecution of Buddhism. Yet it was in the death throes of the Tang that Zen reached its first maturity, with an astonishing group of teachers including, but not limited to, Pai Chang, Ma Jo, Huang Po, Joju, Dok Sahn, Nam Cheon… What was their world like, what were their lives like, and what can we learn from the way they moved through the many crises of their era?
About the teacher:
Zen Master Bon Hae (Judy Roitman) began practicing Zen with Zen Master Seung Sahn in 1976. One of the founders of the Kansas Zen Center in 1978, she received inka (full authorization to teach) from Zen Master Seung Sahn in 1998 and transmission from Zen Master Dae Kwang in April 2013. She is currently the guiding teacher of the Kansas Zen Center.
[ATTENTION Members of the 360 Zen Study Series: There is no need to purchase this class as it is already included in your subscription.]